以下是引用mrtree在2010-1-4 16:58:10的发言:
另外, 還有一些水族野採對鱼类影响的研究.......海水鱼野採的坏影响很多人都知了, 不用說. 但不找找看還不知原來對淡水觀賞鱼野採的深入研究是很少人做的.
Base‐line data were collected to examine the possible effects of the aquarium trade on Amazon fish populations in differentially‐fished locations in the Departmento of Loreto, Peru. Fish abundance, species diversity (richness) and biomass were quantified at three locations with differential fishing pressure, including the Rio Nanay (high pressure), Rio Apayacu and Rio Arambassa (medium) and Rio Yanayacu –Pacaya‐Samiria National Reserve (low). Seining results indicated that the location with the highest fishing pressure had reduced fish abundance, species diversity and biomass compared to the other locations. A similar trend was seen using minnow traps. There was no significant difference in abundance, diversity and biomass between the medium and low fishing pressure locations. Habitat differences (pH and conductivity) among the three locations accounted for <13% of the observed variation, and thus it seemed possible that some of the decline in the Rio Nanay location could be tentatively attributed to increased fishing pressure. Although effects of pollution and habitat alteration could not be ruled out, this is one of the first studies to provide quantitative data on the effect of the freshwater aquarium trade on wild fish populations. While results suggest success in the protection of fishes for the aquarium trade in Pacaya‐Samiria National Reserve, it also may be sustainable to establish limited levels of fishing, as was found in the medium fishing pressure locations, in order to promote economic opportunities and incentives for habitat preservation for indigenous communities.
Summary page ix 第三段
Some of the freshwater endemic species require urgent measures for their protection and sustainable management. This is because their collection imposes further stresses, often severe, on their already strained populations. The stressinducing factors include their small population, heavy collection pressure, the intense targeted collection of attractively coloured individuals or specific size groups, (Gundekera, 1995, 1998), and population declines (due to unknown factors including environmental degradation). The species meriting such concern are Rasbora vaterifloris, Puntius nigrofasciatus, Puntius titteya, Puntius cumingii, Puntius bimaculatus, Daniopathirana, Aplocheilus werneri, Sicyopus jonklaasi (哈哈) and Belontia signata.
還有下面那link你也可能讀過了......嘿......我們私下討論吧, 我想又可拗十日十夜了.........
[此贴子已经被作者于2010-1-4 18:36:22编辑过] |