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t77126Lv.5 发表于 2005-8-7 21:55 | 显示全部楼层 IP: 重庆璧山县


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向前辈们请教一下,导电度跟水的硬度、PH值有什么关系吗? 通过测试水的导电度就可以知道硬度吗?是不是有什么换算公式??它们三者会互相影响吗??我养的是短鲷,水的导电度应该怎么控制?控制在多少范围?
不好意思啊!:)一下子问了那么多问题。  期待着前辈的指教哈!!!  

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鱼摆摆凯蓝Lv.2 发表于 2005-8-7 22:43 | 显示全部楼层 IP: 重庆璧山县
    如果你实在要搞懂这个东西,看这个文章吧,反正我是没有耐心去看这个。 :)
  There is no accurate conversion factor between the electrical conductivity of water and the hardness of water.
Having said that, you can make a rough guess by assuming that the conductivity of the water is coming from only calcium carbonate (definitely a bad assumption) and that calcium carbonate and sodium chloride contribute identically to conductivity (probably a bad assumption).
當假設水的導電度僅來自碳酸鈣(當然是不好的假設), 而且碳酸鈣和氯化鈉兩者提供的導電度相同(可能是不好的假設),可以粗略估計硬度
Then multiply the conductivity reading in micro siemens by .5 to convert to equivalent ppm of sodium chloride.
把導電度計的讀數, 單位是micro siemens, 乘上0.5, 得到氯化鈉的濃度, 單位是ppm(百萬分之一)
Then multiply by 100/58 (molecular weight CaCO3/NaCl) to get equivalent ppm of Calcium Carbonate.
接著乘上100/58(碳酸鈣分子量100/氯化鈉分子量58)得到碳酸鈣的濃度, 單位是ppm(百萬分之一)

Then divide by 17.9 to convert to German degrees hardness.
再來, 除以17.9轉換成 GH
Or, multiply the conductivity in microsiemens by .048 to get a rough guess of what the general hardness is.
或者, 直接把導電度(單位 microsiemen)乘以0.048(0.5X100/58/17.9) 轉換成GH
The big thing I think is knowing what all the terms mean.
Parts per million (ppm) and milligrams/liter (mg/l) are the same for our purposes.
百萬分之一(ppm)和 毫克/每公升(mg/l)是相同的
By definition, 1 dGH = 10 ppm CaO. Or, 1 German degrees general hardness is obtained by dissolving 10 milligrams of calcium oxide into 1 liter of water.
根據定義, GH一度相當於10 ppm 氧化鈣濃度, 也就是把10毫克的氧化鈣溶解在1公升水中
Or, 1 dGH equals 7.1 ppm Ca++ (calcium ion).
Or, 1 dGH equals 17.9 ppm CaCO3 (calcium carbonate).
相當於 17.9ppm 的碳酸鈣濃度
The last conversion is sometimes stated as ppm Ca++ as CaCO3.

By definition, 1 dKH = 10.7 ppm CO3--.
根據定義, KH一度相當於10.7ppm 碳酸根離子濃度
This one is not straight forward, because the carbonate ion CO3-- only exists while dissolved in water (and other solvents).
So immediately you need conversion factors. Dissolving 17.9 mg CaCO3 in to 1 liter of water will raise the dKH by 1 degree. Or, 1 dKH = 21.8 ppm HCO3-.
把 17.9毫克的碳酸鈣溶於一公升水中, KH上升一度. KH一度等於21.8ppm碳酸氫根離子
Fundamentally, hardness is supposed to mean how much calcium carbonate is dissolved in the water.
When this is actually true, then the GH and the KH are the same, and then dividing the total dissolved solids (TDS) in ppm by 17.9 would give you the GH and KH in degrees hardness.
當水中只有碳酸鈣時, 把以ppm為單位的總溶解固體(TDS)讀數除以17.9就可得到 GH 及 KH 度數
It is never that simple!!
There are many more dissolved substances in our tap water than calcium carbonate, and there is no easy way that I know of to measure TDS.
自來水中除了碳酸鈣以外的溶質很多, 而且總溶解固體TDS不易測量
Conductivity is easy to measure, and is created by TDS, the more stuff dissolved in the water, the higher the conductivity.
導電度易測, 且TDS越多導電度越高
A conductivity meter measures the how easily electricity passes through the water and is usually reported in microsiemens/cm.
導電度以micro siemens 為單位
The problem is the conversion factor used to calibrated to read in ppm. As far as I know, sodium chloride (NaCl) is used.
問題是導電度如何轉換成ppm, 就所知是以氯化鈉為準
The meter is calibrated by dissolving a known amount of NaCl into a known amount of distilled water at a known temperature.
Based on previous experiments, you know the conductivity, and you know the ppm by dividing the weight of salt added by the volume of water.
把鹽的重量除以水的體積得到濃度(以ppm表示), 導電度也可測得
All ions make water conductive. Knowing the conductivity of the water does not tell you what ions are making the water conductive, it only tells you how much of the calibration salt would make the water that conductive.
所有水中離子都增加導電度, 測得導電度並無法得知其由何種離子構成, 只得知需要多少標準鹽類才會得到相同的導電度
It turns out, as others have said, that .5 ppm of NaCl will raise the conductivity
by 1 microsiemen/cm.
所以, 增加0.5 ppm的氯化鈉可增加 1 micro seimen/cm 的導電度
General hardness and carbonate hardness test kits add to the confusion.
They measure more than Ca++ and CO3--, respectively.
The GH test kits measure magnesium and calcium.
The KH test kits measure alkalinity.
Alkalinity is a measure of how much the pH drops when an acid is added.
鹼性度用來表示加入酸時 pH下降程度
High levels of alkalinity mean the pH does not drop as much when an acid is added.
The thing is that the carbonate ion is not the only one that can contribute to alkalinity, so again you're measuring the presence of other substances.
問題是鹼度並不全由碳酸根離子構成, 所以會測到其他物質
Conductivity meters, GH test kits, and KH test kits are all very, very valuable tools.
導電度計, GH 及KH試劑非常有用
You just need to know their limitations.
Conductivity meters will give you a very good look at how much stuff is dissolved in the water. It just can't tell you how much of what.
導電度計能顯示水中溶質的量, 但不能分辨溶質的成分
Soft water fish don't like much of anything dissolved in the water, so the conductivity meter is a really good tool to use that will tell you if you've departed from low TDS conditions.
軟水性魚不喜歡任何溶質, 所以導電度計可以反映是否偏離目標水質(低總溶解固體)
GH test kits measure both magnesium and calcium, IMHO no big deal really.
GH 試劑雖同時測量鎂和鈣, 個人淺見(In My Humble Opinion)認為無關緊要
KH kits measure alkalinity, again IMHO no big deal really.
KH試劑雖測量鹼度, 個人淺見(In My Humble Opinion)認為無關緊要
Hope this helps!
作者 Wintek
TRG-pro 中文拙譯

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-8-7 22:45:59编辑过]


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鱼摆摆凯蓝Lv.2 发表于 2005-8-7 22:47 | 显示全部楼层 IP: 重庆璧山县
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t77126楼主Lv.5 发表于 2005-8-8 12:57 | 显示全部楼层 IP: 重庆璧山县
十分感谢摆摆哥! 让你费心了、辛苦了!  已经收藏起来了,打算好好看看!
再次向您表示衷心的感谢哈!!! :)

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潇洒的走开Lv.6 发表于 2005-8-9 09:58 | 显示全部楼层 IP: 重庆

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-8-9 9:59:10编辑过]

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