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恺撒乌鸦Lv.2 发表于 2008-8-8 16:38 | 显示全部楼层 IP: 山东潍坊


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<p><font color="#00ff00">All the following details are based on the way I care for and keep my tarantulas. I would not like to say what is right, or wrong. I have been keeping tarantulas since 1998. So if you are thinking of buying your first tarantula, or have just bought one, you may find the following info helpful. I have tried to keep it short and simple, however if anyone needs additional info, do not hesitate to contact me.</font></p>
<p align="left"><font color="#ff0000" size="4">Housing</font></p>
<p align="left"><font color="#00ff00">Before I house a tarantula, I have to find out what type of housing is suitable. Most tarantulas will fall into one of two groups, Arboreal, a tarantula that will reside off the ground, such as in trees or on buildings etc. or terrestrial, a tarantula that lives on the ground or in a burrow. Arboreal spiders, I keep in sweet jars or other tall containers, I would put 2" of vermiculite in the bottom of the jar, and a piece of cork bark for the spider to climb on and web against, I then make several holes in the lid for ventilation. Ground dwelling spiders, I would keep in a glass tank or pet pal, I would fill it one third of the way up, with a mix of peat and vermiculite as most of our ground dwelling spiders enjoy digging, the substrate should be kept moist, with out being to wet. I also provide most of our ground dwelling spiders with a place to hide, such as half a flowerpot, there are some exceptions, such as Haplopelma, Hystercrates and Citharicanthus crawshayi, which will all dig their own burrow, if given deep enough substrate.</font></p>
<p align="left"><font color="#ff0000" size="4">Heating</font></p>
<p align="left"><font color="#00ff00">I keep all my spiders in my spider room where the room temperature is regulated to 80F day, and 75F night. for just heating one, or a few spiders, a whole room is a bit extreem. for one or two I would recommend a heatmat stuck to the wall behind the tank, or for several spiders, it may be easier to place a larger heatmat in a cupboard with a thermostat to regulate the temperature most tarantulas will do well at 75F by studying the temperature in the tanks, I can decide if a tank requires more or less heat, humidity is maintained by misting tanks when required.</font></p>
<p align="left"><font color="#ff0000" size="4">Feeding</font></p>
<p align="left"><font color="#00ff00">I feed all of my tarantulas on crickets, we always ensure that the cricket is smaller than the spider, but not so small that the spider can't capture it, I sometimes feed our larger spiders with a locust or a pink mouse, all food that is not taken with in 24 hours, should be removed, if your spider stops feeding, don't worry, tarantulas can go many months without feeding, more often than not, there is a good reason for your tarantulas fasting, we feed our tarantulas 3 or 4 crickets, once or twice a week, most good pet shops will stock crickets and frozen mice, if not they should order them for you.</font></p>
<p align="left"><font color="#ff0000" size="4">Moulting</font></p>
<p align="left"><font color="#00ff00">This is the way that spiders grow. I can usually tell when a spider is approaching a moult some spiders will develop a bald spot on the rump, which will gradually darken to black, most of our spiders will also loose their appetite, if the spider will not feed, we always remove any crickets from their tank, as they can attack or stress the spider during the moult, other signs of pre-moult include extensive webbing mostly in arboreal species, and a general lack of energy, they will gradually become less active as the moult nears, finally the spider will lay down a mat of web, and flip over onto its back, I've have had spiders stay in this position for up to ten hours, the final part of this process, is the shedding of the old skin. I never disturb the spider during this time, as it can kill the spider. The spider should also be left for at least a week after the moult, this is to allow the exoskeleton to harden.</font></p>
<p align="left"><font color="#ff0000" size="4">Tools</font></p>
<p align="left"><font color="#00ff00">The tool I use the most, is a pair of 12" tongs. I use them for removing dead crickets, the spiders moult and much more. I also use the top half of a coke bottle, for removing the spider from its tank, I coax the spider into the bottle, with a wooden chop stick, as its not sharp it will not harm the spider.</font></p>
<p align="left"><font color="#ff0000" size="4">Escaping</font></p>
<p align="left"><font color="#00ff00">Always ensure that your lid is fitted securely, as tarantulas can easily push up a lid that is not secure, also cricket tubs are not suitable for housing juveniles, as they easily chew a hole in it, I found my H. gigas in a cupboard.</font></p>
<p align="left"><font color="#ff0000" size="4">Pesticide</font></p>
<p align="left"><font color="#00ff00">If you keep tarantulas in your home, pesticides should not be used, including fly spray, ant powder and flea spray / powder / shampoo for dogs and cats, as they can be harmful to your tarantula, also catching bugs from the garden for food, may also contain some pesticide or harmful chemicals.</font></p>
<p align="left"><font color="#ff0000" size="4">Urticating hairs</font></p>
<p align="left"><font color="#00ff00">Some tarantulas have fine hairs which are barbed that they will kick off if disturbed, these hairs can cause irritation to your eyes, nose or skin, it is advisable to keep your hands and arms covered, and your face a safe distance away from the spider, when feeding or cleaning their tank.</font></p>
<p align="left"><font color="#ff0000" size="4">Handling tarantulas</font></p>
<p align="left"><font color="#00ff00">I don't hold any of my spiders, or recommend it to others, however if you do wish to hold a tarantula, do not pick it up, let it walk onto your hand, this should be done close to the ground, as a fall could be fatal to your tarantula, the rump is very fragile, and can easily bust, causing the tarantula to bleed to death.</font></p>
★我和你的泰坦尼克 ☆.°·▍▍.☆█☆.°★永不会沉没◥█▅▅██▅▅██▅▅▅▅███◤ ◥███ILOVEYOUFOREVER ███◤

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lingonleiLv.2 发表于 2008-8-9 12:19 | 显示全部楼层 IP: 重庆

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lingonleiLv.2 发表于 2008-8-9 12:19 | 显示全部楼层 IP: 重庆

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饿乌龟Lv.0 发表于 2008-8-8 17:41 | 显示全部楼层 IP: 重庆 重庆有线电视网络有限公司
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恺撒乌鸦楼主Lv.2 发表于 2008-8-8 21:21 | 显示全部楼层 IP: 山东潍坊

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无情Lv.2 发表于 2008-8-8 22:18 | 显示全部楼层 IP: 云南玉溪

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潘澄澄Lv.2 发表于 2008-8-8 17:07 | 显示全部楼层 IP: 重庆

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恺撒乌鸦楼主Lv.2 发表于 2008-8-10 09:09 | 显示全部楼层 IP: 山东潍坊
<div id="result_box" dir="ltr">以下所有细节的基础上,我的关怀和保留我的tarantulas。我不希望说什么是正确的,对或错。我一直保持tarantulas自1998年以来。因此,如果您想购买你的第一个塔兰图拉,或刚刚买了一,您可能会发现下面的信息帮助。我曾试图保住它的短期和简单,但是如果有人需要额外的资讯,不要犹豫与我联系。 <br/><br/>房屋 <br/><br/>之前,我家一塔兰图拉,我一定要找出什么类型的房屋是合适的。最tarantulas会陷入一两组,乔木,塔兰图拉指出,将居住离地面,如在树木或建筑物上或地面等,塔兰图拉说,生活在地面上还是在一个洞穴。树栖蜘蛛,我一直在甜罐或其他容器,身高,我想提出2 “蛭石在底部的罐子,和一块软木树皮为蜘蛛爬就和Web反对,我,然后几个洞,在盖子通风。地面住家蜘蛛,我会保持在一个玻璃池或宠物帕尔,我将填补它三分之一的方式,与混合泥炭和蛭石作为我们大部分的地面住家蜘蛛享受挖,衬底应保持湿润,与列正在以湿,我也提供我们大部分的地面住家蜘蛛与一个地方隐藏,如半年花盆,也有一些例外,例如haplopelma , hystercrates和citharicanthus crawshayi ,这将挖掘其所有自己的洞穴,如果给予足够的深底。 <br/><br/>暖气 <br/><br/>我一直我所有的蜘蛛在我的蜘蛛的房间,房间内的温度是规管,以80f天, 75f夜。刚刚暖气一,或几个蜘蛛,整个房间是一个位extreem 。为一个或两个,我建议heatmat坚持以战俘身后的墙壁,坦克,或几个蜘蛛,它可能更容易上放置一个较大的heatmat在一个橱柜与恒温调节温度最tarantulas将做好在75f学习温度在坦克,我可以决定,如果某坦克需要更多或更少的热气,湿度保持雾化坦克需要时。 <br/><br/>喂养 <br/><br/>i饲料我所有的tarantulas对蟋蟀,我们始终确保板球小于蜘蛛,但没有那么小,蜘蛛不能捕捉它,我有时饲料我们的大蜘蛛与蝗虫或粉红的鼠标,所有食物这是不采取在24小时内,应予以删除,如果您的蜘蛛停止喂食,不用担心, tarantulas可以去很多个月的喂养,更多的,往往不是有一个很好的理由为您tarantulas禁食,我们饲料我们tarantulas 3或4个蟋蟀,一次或两次周,最良好的宠物店,将股票蟋蟀和冷冻的小鼠,如果他们不应该为了替您。 <br/><br/>蜕壳 <br/><br/>这是蜘蛛的方式成长。我可以告诉通常当一个蜘蛛是接近换羽一些蜘蛛将制定一项秃头当场就残余旧部,这将逐渐变暗,以黑色,我们大部分的蜘蛛也将松散的胃口,如果蜘蛛不会饲料中,我们始终移除任何蟋蟀从他们的坦克,因为他们可以攻击或应力蜘蛛在换羽,其他的迹象,前换羽包括广泛的带子大多在乔木物种,并普遍缺乏能源,他们将逐渐成为较积极作为换羽的临近,最后蜘蛛会放下垫子的Web ,和Flip超过其上回,我已经有蜘蛛留在这个位置长达十小时,最后这一进程的一部分,是人们旧的皮肤。我从来没有扰乱蜘蛛在这段时间内,因为它可以杀死蜘蛛。蜘蛛也应留给至少一个星期之后,换羽,这是为了让外骨骼硬化。 <br/><br/>工具 <br/><br/>该工具我用最,是一项对12个“钳,我使用它们去除死蟋蟀,蜘蛛换羽和多,我也利用顶端一半的可乐瓶,去除蜘蛛从它的坦克,我同轴蜘蛛进入瓶内,与木制印章坚持,因为它没有尖锐的,它不会伤害蜘蛛。 <br/><br/>逃离 <br/><br/>始终确保您的盖子是装有安全, tarantulas可以轻松地推动了一个盖子,这不是安全,也板球浴缸是不适合的房屋少年,因为他们很容易啃一个洞,在它,我发现我的每小时牡蛎在一个橱柜。 <br/><br/>农药 <br/><br/>如果您保持tarantulas在您的家中,农药不应被用作,包括飞喷雾,蚂蚁粉和跳蚤喷雾/粉/洗发水为狗和猫,因为它们可以有害到您的塔兰图拉,也赶上臭虫从花园的食物,也可能包含一些农药或有害化学物质。 <br/><br/>urticating毛 <br/><br/>一些tarantulas具有优良头发是铁丝网,他们将揭开序幕,如果不安,这些毛发可能会导致刺激您的眼睛,鼻子或皮肤,最好是让您的双手和双臂所涵盖的,和你的脸一个安全的距离蜘蛛,当喂养或清理他们的坦克。 <br/><br/>处理tarantulas <br/><br/>我不持有任何我的蜘蛛,或推荐给别人,不过,如果您打算举行塔兰图拉,不要选择它,让它步行到您的手,这应该做的接近地面,作为一个秋天可致命到您的塔兰图拉,残余旧部是非常脆弱的,并可以很容易的破灭,造成塔兰图拉流血死亡。</div>
★我和你的泰坦尼克 ☆.°·▍▍.☆█☆.°★永不会沉没◥█▅▅██▅▅██▅▅▅▅███◤ ◥███ILOVEYOUFOREVER ███◤

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